Virtual assisting is really an industry and not just a mere title

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Today I wanted to share my take on the industry that I am a part of, no don’t think that because I might be in a different industry from you, this will not be informative.

The reason why I said this is because a virtual assistant is not a title but more of an industry; I did not even know this until a couple weeks ago.

What I will share about the Virtual assisting industry.

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virtual assisting industry

So here is my take on the industry thus far, I was on a webinar the other day (yes I do attend a lot of webinars) and was told that we should not make the mistake of using the industry as a title.

For some strange reason when I started I thought that being a VA was a title and funny enough it would seem weird if I was to ask what you do and you said that your title is the fashion Industry.

Get where I am getting with this? I wanted to highlight some things that I have since learned.

That it’s always better to tell people what you can do for them, expressing how you can help them rather than what you do.

Are you pitching the wrong way to your ideal clients?

I did not know this and I was really alarmed when I started to take the approach of sharing how I can help others rather than what my title is and how I can help them.

So by doing this, I have seen where if I started out by explaining my title to prospective clients, this is where the misconception starts to begin that I am an employee.

I don’t know about you but most persons think that if they hire a VA, they treat them as if they are still being employed physically in an office, this is not the case because in this industry we are represented as independent contractors.

Not to be mindful of those individuals who have a joint partnership where they offer services such as hourly and this is where I also think that this also ties in the case that we are employed to do so.

I am in no way bashing those individuals who offer hourly services, because let’s say you can do a task in two hours and be paid for it, that’s even great, but from day one when I started from the freelancing site that I was on, I made sure to offer packages that did not limit myself to offer services such as hourly.

I must recommend that as new owners you can know a bit more on how to price your services by timing yourself.

What this basically means is (of the recommendations from other VA’s who have gone done this path) that you can time yourself to offer a service, then by doing so, you are better able to set your rates to either hourly, retainers or packages to your clients.

I really do like packages, and yet again this is a preference for everyone. As stated not because you might not be in the industry that I am in, means that you have to be tied to follow my standards or even do it the way that I recommend.

Let’s say that you are into personal consultation and you are charging by the hour, you can add services that can go together and package these services offered to these customers.

Another feature is if you are selling a product base item to your customers, this is even great to bundle some of your products and package them as a one-time fee for a specific time or period.

I wholeheartedly appreciate those who have gone before me and have recommended what have worked for them, and it’s by doing so that I will continue to express how I can help others, by offering packages so that they will know in the end that I am in an industry and not by far a title to continue the misconceptions.

Pitching time… All free to use to add in what you do for your clients.

By the way here is how I introduce myself, you are free to edit and use this introduction on what you do and how you help others;

I am Juli, I help busy fashion-focus LadyPreneurs who craves technical virtual order such as Mailchimp & WordPress maintenance in the backend of your business, so you can easily grow your business and focus on what you love to do – which is creating more beauty in the world.

In concluding my take in the industry is that there needs to be more education that a virtual assistant is not a title but an industry and I wanted to share my part on this so that I can educate those who are planning on venturing into the industry as well as those who will be making a partnership with those working in such an industry.

It was nice of you to stop by.

Until then, happy hiring, and best wishes with your business.

Don’t forget to check the sidebar and footer of this website for awesome resources!

Photo Credit: Haute Stock

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36 thoughts on “Virtual assisting is really an industry and not just a mere title

  1. Great post. I have recently become interested in VA work. Just mainly wondering what a VA does. Thanks for this post.

  2. Virtual Assistants are needed in this growing market – so you’re right, it’s all about explaining the value of your services correctly.

  3. Virtual assistance sounds like hard work but definitely a real job. You provided so much awesome info in this post- love that you brought recognition to an underappreciated field!

  4. I’ve contemplated being a virtual assistant to make some extra money. I wish I had time to do that and work on my blog But I am going to refer back to this post if I feel I have some free time!

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