The best advice I ever received within my industry!

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Today I want to share with you over the course of my journey online, some advice that I was given by others, and how I did follow suit.

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Best advice for your business

Ok here goes; the best advice I have ever heard over and over again by different people that I have encountered with are:

JordanPicks top 3 advice that you should follow!

When I started out in my business I joined a freelancing site and started offering my services on such a platform. I branched out on my own and got myself a website of my own to start offering my services.

Nothing is better than having a website that has your own stamp of ownership.


JuliVAGlobal’s second advice that you should follow!

You know the saying that you have to invest to make your business grow? The same can be said when you are running a business, not because it’s online, does not mean that you cannot be held accountable, the same way you might not like doing your accounting or blogging, you need to hire out for assistance.

It’s the same with having a mentor or business coach to help you be accountable (free or paid) because you know your family just will not understand when you have those blah days.

I must admit that having an accountability partner has been one of those things that I have seen has made a difference in how I tackle a goal or achieve a task. Being accountable is like having your own cheerleader cheering you on, either if you achieve those goals or not.

JuliVAGlobal’s third advice that you should follow!

So today you’re earning the money and you are on top of your game but improving your skills should not be a one-time thing.

Not because you style women or even make hand-made jewelry does not mean that you are limited to not improving your skills to start charging more for your services and offering new services.

As online trends tend to change, so should you in terms of sharpening those skills.

Can you relate to this advice that I gave? If not, I would like to hear in the comments below, if not, let’s hear some advice that you received from someone who has gone the path before you.

It was nice of you to stop by.

Until then, happy hiring, and best wishes for your business.

Don’t forget to check the sidebar and footer of this website for awesome resources!

Photo Credit: Haute Stock

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68 thoughts on “The best advice I ever received within my industry!

  1. Hi Juli! I am just a newbie in the blogging industry and I also have read similar pieces of advice to other bloggers. I think that if we really mean business we really need to spend some money. I decided to buy my own domain and hosting instead of relying on free ones. At the moment, my blog is doing okay but I want to improve it more. I am also thinking of applying for a blog online course to increase the number of my subscribers. I have been learning a lot in blogging even though I just started mine last year. By the way, you have a nice blog.

  2. Good advice. I’m considering hiring a virtual assistant to help me with the technical side of things. I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s spent money without earning any and thinking about spending more.

  3. Online industry especially blogging is so complex that a new advice is always welcomed. Change is the only thing constant in this world so we must evolved with it. Thanks for the tip!

  4. This is a great post. I think you gave some really good advice that will help out bloggers. We can definitely always learn something new to build on our skills.

  5. I would really love to delve more into freelancing. Which websites do you use? I agree that having a site is so important! Now I just need to find an accountability partner!

  6. Great advice. I would love to be at a point to hire a virtual assistant as it would save me soooooo much time.

  7. I have never regretted an investment in my skills or in taking the time to nurture relationships with those who can hold me accountable. Great advice all around!!

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