Know how to identify A specialized VS A general assistant

Don’t be confused with the virtual assistant industry.

I am going to start out my blog by doing a quick welcome to my blog.

How are you since the last time you read my blog?

Now that you have become familiar with my background, I wanted to talk some more on this industry on being a virtual assistant and the benefits of having a virtual assistant for your business.

I mentioned earlier in my first post that I started out on a freelancing platform and I was only offering Administrative and Data Entry tasks to my clients on that platform.

My services when I started out were:

  • Online researching
  • Transcribing
  • Data Entry
  • Sending e-mails
  • Updating spreadsheets
  • Creating spreadsheets
  • Virtual assisting

Now, why did I share this with you? I was basically doing everything, like a general virtual assistant. I was not even skilled in some areas when a potential client needed specific tasks, and this is where in most cases a business owner will need the assistance of a virtual assistant that specializes in certain tasks. These tasks can include autoresponder maintenance, social media management to name a few.

Can you tell the difference between A general VA VS A specialized VA?

This is the mistake that you want to avoid if you are only focusing on hiring a general virtual assistant to do the administrative task of your business. Now I am not saying that you will not need a virtual assistant that offers these services, but what I mean is that you will need your business to have some social media presence. Does your business have a website? Let’s even throw in the social sites that your business will need in the process.

Who is managing the aspect of your social media for your business? Do you see where I am going with this? Your answer should be a resounding “No”. In reality, a general virtual assistant might not be able to help with doing such a task.

But what will happen when you need your website to be maintained, not to mention engaging with your audience on your social sites? There will be some limitations to having a general virtual assistant in your business, and thus it’s like you are in the process of hiring another virtual assistant again.

This is where; you can decide to choose from a specialized VA. I am not saying that hiring a general VA will not assist in your business’s needs, but the benefit of hiring a specialized VA will far outweigh the cons of not having a virtual assistant for your business at all.

Your specialized virtual assistant can help you with?

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specialized assistant

As your business grows, you will want a specialized VA there with you, as this will allow you to be focusing more on the development and growth of your business.

The benefit of this is that you will be definitely saving your time, a great time saver, which includes letting go of managing your social media pages to get new information out to your clients.

This virtual assistant will already have this skill in place and will know how to engage with your audience and know when is the best time to track and manage your social media posts. No need to worry as your virtual assistant will also put in place measures for your social media sites, which includes matching the best social sites to be active on base on the business that you are in.

Do you have a website? You know you are no developer and certainly, you need the assistance of managing your website on a daily or weekly basis; you have to agree that you only have 24 hours in the day to manage your business. Would you rather be spending it doing tasks that will take you away from tasks that can be outsourced?

It’s time to save your time and money and let go of the bullhorn and let a trusted specialized virtual assistant help you today.

It was nice of you to stop by.

Until then, happy hiring, and best wishes with your business.

Don’t forget to check the sidebar and footer of this website for awesome resources!

Photo Credit:Haute Stock



Use these 7+ recommended tools in your online business!

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58 thoughts on “Know how to identify A specialized VS A general assistant

  1. What a great post and it’s a good idea to point out the differences between a VA and a specialized VA! I’m started working with clients only to find out their expectations have been different from their initial requests. Obviously, things change over time, but if you can start out with someone who can meet all your need, it saves you time in the long run!

  2. Interesting post. Now I realize that the term virtual assistant is thrown out loosely when there is an actual difference. Thanks for enlighten us on this subject.

    Is it possible to become a full-time VA?

    1. Hello Stefany,

      Of course, it’s possible, make sure that you list your pros and cons as well as who your target is. Best wishes.

  3. Great post – brings up some thoughts about the differences between the two that I don’t think most businesses stop to consider.


  4. Great considerations to point out for business owners! It’s so important to be specific with your needs, as well as making sure that VAs are clear enough with their skillset to begin with.

  5. I was not even aware of what a virtual assistant is ! Your blog has not only helped clear a lot of misconceptions but also underlined the positive effect of a specialised VA on business .

  6. You have rightly placed the difference between general virtual assistant and specialized virtual assistant. Your article is great help when needing services of virtual assistant.

    1. I have written about this in my very first post, you can know more at my virtual assistant category in my blog.

  7. I got to learn more about VAs. Would try to use this knowledge someday when I start a business. More power to you.

  8. When things got a little out of hand or cannot handle anymore(busy, no time for updates for websites etc) I turn to a virtual assistant and yes it always a big help! Much more with specialized ones. Will consider you next time, thanks!

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