The most pressing questions on hiring a virtual assistant

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One common question I get asked over and over again is>>

What are the benefits of hiring a Virtual Assistant?

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pressing questions on hiring a virtual assistant


Why it’s time to have a Virtual Assistant assist your business.

You know you do not have all the time in the world to manage all the business aspect of running a business.

You are awake feeling overwhelmed and you are afraid to tackle those aspects of the business that is just dragging you down with additional stress.

A virtual assistant can help you save your time and money.

This includes cutting the overhead cost of hiring a person physically to complete a specific task.

Also a VA will be responsible for paying all their taxes and insurance and this will allow you in cutting down your expenses because you are only responsible for paying for the completed task.

A virtual assistant has just saved you money.

Is your business really growing or are you stuck doing tasks that are not for you?

If you are spending time on let’s say on the social media aspect of your business and not focusing on the growth of the business.

One part or another of the business will be suffered and this is where a virtual assistant can save your business time.

How, is this possible? With a virtual assistant doing those time-consuming tasks such as your admin and or social media management you are better able to focus on growing your business, such as working on what you love doing best and increase your income and clientele.

A virtual assistant is there to help with any task that a business owner can think of outsourcing. Also if by any means some of my red carpet services mentioned are not within the services that you need at this time, I can also recommend other virtual assistants that I am sure will be happy to assist you with your business needs.

You can normally fill out a request for proposal by clicking here it’s also free for you to join there as well, and more than likely a virtual assistant that is matched with the skill set that you described will respond.

With A VA in the backend helping you with those tasks that you know are taking you away from focusing on what you love doing, you are better able to increase your clientele and your income.

If this sounds like you, you should definitely get the assistance of a VA.

You can get in contact with me here by scheduling your FREE consultation here

It was nice of you to stop by.

Until then, happy hiring, and best wishes with your business.

Don’t forget to check the sidebar and footer of this website for awesome resources!

Photo Credit: Haute Stock


Use these 7+ recommended tools in your online business!

Learn how a virtual assistant can help you in the backend of your online business every month.

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36 thoughts on “The most pressing questions on hiring a virtual assistant

  1. Thank you for sharing this! I have been contemplating hiring a virtual assistant to help with social media and designing graphics as those seem to be time-consuming for me and unrealistic to get great products when I work full time. It’s nice to know that you don’t have to start with the red carpet and just to have someone you can afford as it is well worth it if they can take even a couple things off my plate! We will be in touch. 🙂

    1. I know the feeling Jenn and I so agree with you, at times entrepreneurs do not see the advantage that you pay a virtual assistant base on the task assigned.

  2. This is a good post. I just started working with a VA this past summer. So that we could get a feel for each other, I gave her just one project. She more than met my expectations, so I have given her more work and also a raise in her hourly rate. I don’t want to lose her!

  3. Yes! My clients tell me all the time how fast I am lol. That seems to be the #1 fear among most of them before they hire me. They’re just like “It takes me forever, so it should take you forever” and then I can finish it in under an hour haha. Loved this!

    1. Gillian I have sent you a message but my sidebar and footer have all the resources that you need to get started, all the best.

  4. This is such an informative post. I would like to use a virtual assistant in the future to help with social media Thanks for sharing this!

  5. Thank you for the great post! I’m contemplating on getting a VA for some months already, but it still seem like my blog is too young. Then on the other hand, if I want to make it grow, I can’t keep doing all the tasks myself.

    Thanks for explaining it in details, I needed it. 😉

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